Carter’s message stresses that human/nature relation requires ontologies of care and gratitude, alongside a tender mindfulness in action, to tread lightly on a planet where we remain only briefly.

Carey Carter’s infatuation with nature began with playing in the sand and building sculptures on the beach endlessly for hours as a child. As Carter listened to the rhythm and sound of the waves, she became fascinated with the honesty of rock formations and immersed herself in the extraordinary colours of the setting sun over the sea. As an adult, Carter spent 19 years conceptualising artistic and creative environments for corporate companies to enhance employer productivity and enjoyment. 
In 2019, Carter embarked on a full-time sculptor career as she sought to find a way to sculpt using natural and sustainable Earth materials. Carter researched ancient techniques and building methods until formalising a recipe in which she uses differently coloured sand, rock pigments and natural bonding agents such as fly ash, magnesium oxide and lime, which are later cured in water for a particular length of time.